Snow Buds

After getting over 30 inches of snow from blizzard Nemo (or whatever you want to call it), getting a few additional inches of snow is really nothing we even think about.  We awoke Saturday morning to a nice wet heavy snow that stuck to all the trees.  This is my favorite type of snow for photos.

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Portland Upper Falls

I happen to live within walking distance to these three great little waterfalls, all feed from the same source.  On this particular day, the water was flowing pretty good, but there was a nice dry rock I could set up on, almost in the middle of the stream.  This is taken with a 6 stop ND filter, about one hour before full sunset.  40 second exposure at F8, ISO 50.  I may just have to invest in some hip waders.

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Hartford Cemetery

I've been trying to figure out why my standard zoom lens is not auto focusing correctly and what seems to be the issue.  This of course means I need to take a bunch of photos to pin point the problem...... a bunch more then normal, which is already a lot.  This was taken during a recent 50 degree January day.  I really love the design of this headstone.

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