So the other day I posted a photo of Reservoir number 1 in Framingham, Mass. This was a 7 exposure HDR shot that I processed in Photomatix. My work flow was the following:
- Import into LR
- Export 7 raw files into Photomatix and process (processed photo goes back to LR)
- Export processed HDR and a few of the other brackets into Photoshop Layers. Align layers, mask in a few detail areas that I wanted to make sure to keep, Merge layers and save back to LR.
- Make a few minor additional adjustments in LR, such as crop and then Export the JPG file.
This was the result:
7 Exposure HDR
Now while I was at this location, I had to pull out my ND filter and of course get a nice long exposure shot. The sun was going down pretty quickly, so I needed a 2 minute exposure at F8 with ISO 100. To be honest, I really can't remember if I ended up with my Lee 10 stop Big Stopper on or my 6 stop B+W filter. I know I started with the Lee but ended up switching because the exposure times were starting to get too long. (I was also freezing my arse off at this point), but based on the sequence of photos and the slight blue color tint, I have to think this was with my Big Stopper. Anyways, I ended up with this:
2 minute LE with Lee Big Stopper?
Here is my workflow for this one:
- Import into LR
- Make some slight adjustments to color, sharpening and crop
- Export JPG file
Thats it. Much more simple because of the filters that I used at time of capture. So the question is, which one do you prefer? I really can't decide which one I like better, but I do know, I wish there were some clouds around.