I recently spent a week with my family at a friends cabin on Schroon Lake in upstate New York. This will be our fourth year going there and as my girls get older, they are able to enjoy it more and more. As I get older............... I enjoy it more and more also. My standard day there consists of playing with the girls on the beach and in the water, taking a lot of photos of them and and anything else that gets into my way, have a few cold beverages, having great meals with family, sneaking out after dinner to get some sunset photos at the beach and usually ending the day with some card games and then repeat the next day. No TV, No phone, No internet.
I just wanted to share some different photos from our trip. I packed a standard zoom, my macro, my wide angle and some Lee Filters, what else could I possibly need.
Star trails - 24 exposures at 10 minutes each - Blended in PS. Canon 17-40mm
One day during our week was a little too cold to get into the water. Instead we pulled out a bunch of bubbles and had fun in the yard. My oldest Evie was trying to catch some without popping them.
Taken with Canon 100mm F2.8L
I usually resist going out to shop while we are there, but ice cream and candy seemed like an acceptable reason to load up the car. My 4 year old Fiona and 2 year old Charlee had never had candy necklaces before................
Fiona - Looking older then she is - with candy necklace half gone.
Charlee -Catching the light from the lake.
After dinner, I would pack up and walk down to the lake. Usually with the wide angle 17-40mm and a few filters and my tripod. This photo was a 7 exposure HDR shot. I had never taken a photo from this location. I am usually positioned right down at the beach, but I thought the tree on the left and the little stone wall along the bottom made some good framing. This was one of the few sunsets that actually had clouds all week. I swear that almost every day would have great puffy clouds and as the day went on, and I got excited for a sunset, the clouds would just disappear leaving me will nothing to work with.
7 exposure HDR, processed in Photomatix
The week wouldn't be complete without a selfie. I wanted to try a long exposure shot with me sitting in the water. This was the tallest chair I could find and my rear still got wet. Oh well. Similar photo to my last blog post, but with me in the chair.
My selfie, watching the sun go down.
Great week with the family!
- Chris